vendredi 1 octobre 2010

Hélas, ce n'est pas un cas isolé...

Révélation pour le moins choquante d'Hillary Clinton et Kathleen Sebelius... Expérimentation au Guatémala qui tourne mal, assez pour que la Secrétaire d'état reconnaisse la chose. Le responsable de l'expérience qui se déroule entre 1946 et 1948, John Cutler, était passionné par le contrôle de la population et par l'eugénisme.

On pourrait hélas établir une comparaison avec la Tuskegee syphilis experiment entre 1932 et 1972:"The Public Health Service, working with the Tuskegee Institute, began the study in 1932. Nearly 400 poor black men with syphilis from Macon County, Ala., were enrolled in the study. For participating in the study, the men were given free medical exams, free meals and free burial insurance. They were never told they had syphilis, nor were they ever treated for it. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the men were told they were being treated for "bad blood," a local term used to describe several illnesses, including syphilis, anemia and fatigue."

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