mercredi 16 février 2011

Avortement=esclavage? La réflexion de Mike Huckabee...

Mike Huckabee, ancien gouverneur de l'Arkansas et candidat défait à l'investiture républicaine en 2008, revient à la charge sur un de ces thèmes préférés: l'avortement. Selon sa logique, la question de l'avortement en 2011 est comparable à celle de l'esclavage avant la guerre de Sécession. Est-moi ou il manque une ou deux légères nuances?

"What are we saying to the generation coming after us when we tell them that it is perfectly OK for one person to own another human being?" Huckabee said. "I thought we dealt with that 150 years ago when the issue of slavery was finally settled in this country, and we decided that it no longer was a political issue, it wasn't an issue of geography, it was an issue of morality. That it was either right or it was immoral that one person could own another human being and have full control even to the point of life and death over that other human being."

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