lundi 28 mars 2011

Boehner: comment composer avec le Tea party?

Une majorité qui est tout sauf confortable pour le leader républicain de la Chambre des représentants. Jusqu'à maintenant, le Tea party fait le jeu d'Obama indirectement en divisant les républicains... Dans le cas présent, les tea partiers réduisent les possibilités de compromis sur le budget.

"The GOP promised that it would ratchet spending down to 2008 levels and force Obama to backtrack on generous budget increases made on his watch. To meet the promise, GOP leaders initially pressed for about $35 billion in cuts in a proposal that took account of the fact that the budget year was almost halfway over.

That idea didn't sell with tea party activists, and House Speaker John Boehner was forced to almost double the size of the cuts, driving away any potential Democratic support. But that meant the halfway point between the House-passed measure and a proposal advanced by Democrats controlling the Senate was roughly where Boehner started out in the first place.

"The speaker knows that when it comes to avoiding a shutdown, his problem is with the tea party, not Democrats," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y."

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