jeudi 23 juin 2011

"America, it is time to focus on nation building here at home." Barack Obama

Un message qui séduira ses concitoyens? Obama doit l'espérer puisque l'économie est la principale question qui inquiète les américains et, une fois de plus, elle sera au coeur de la campagne électorale. De plus, nos voisins sont de plus en plus nombreux à penser qu'il est temps de sortir d'Afghanistan après 10 ans de sacrifices humains et financiers. L'annonce d'Obama est-elle le début de cette sortie?

Extrait d'un éditorial du NY Times intitulé "The way out"?

"On Wednesday night, President Obama announced that American troops will soon begin to withdraw, but at a size and pace unlikely to satisfy many Americans.

He said that 10,000 of the 33,000 troops from the “surge” would come home before the end of this year, with the rest out by next summer. He vowed that reductions would continue “at a steady pace” after that, and that “the Afghan people will be responsible for their own security” by sometime in 2014.

We are not military planners, so we won’t play the too big/too small numbers game. Mr. Obama argued that the United States is starting the drawdown “from a position of strength” — that Al Qaeda has been pummeled and the Taliban have suffered serious losses — and that his goals are limited. “We won’t try to make Afghanistan a perfect place.” It was a particular relief to hear him say that “the tide of war is receding” in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

But he will need to do a lot more to explain why it is in this country’s strategic interest to stick things out for another three-plus years. And why his drawdown plan has a credible chance of leaving behind an Afghanistan that won’t implode as soon as American troops are gone."

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