jeudi 23 juin 2011

Lybie: intervention d'Hillary Clinton auprès des démocrates

LA Secrétaire d'État expliquera la position du Président Obama aux démocrates du Congrès pour les convaincre de l'appuyer.

"House Democrats are divided over whether to support Obama on the controversial U.S. engagement in Libya or demand that he cease using American forces to strike at Muammar Qadhafi’s regime.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has scheduled votes on whether to authorize the use of force in Libya — a resolution that is likely to fail — as well as a bill that would prohibit the use of government funds for hostilities.

The funding legislation, which would only allow the U.S. to continue support activities for the NATO-led mission such as intelligence-gathering, could go either pass or fail, according to lawmakers and aides who have been at closed-door meetings where Libya has been discussed.

Many House Democrats are wary of engaging in a third front with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continuing to drain American resources. Some are simply upset with Obama for failing to seek congressional approval for the mission and then announcing that he need not comply with the War Powers Act because American involvement in Libya doesn’t constitute “hostilities.”"

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