lundi 4 juillet 2011

Deepwater Horizon Spill: des compagnies auraient profité de la catastrophe...

Vous vous souvenez probablement de cette catastrophe et des tentatives désespérées de colmatage de la brèche. Des pétroliers avaient prêté main forte pour récupérer une bonne quantité de pétrole. Qu'ont fait les pétrolières avec le pétrole pompé à bord de leurs navires?

"Remember the BP "top hat"? It was one in a series of desperate attempts by the company to capture the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion last year. The top hat, mocked though it was, managed to capture and remove 679,000 barrels of oil from the crippled well, pumping it to nearby tankers.
As it turns out, this salvaged oil translated to $47.3 million in proceeds for the three oil companies who leased drilling rights on the rig. Now, the Deepwater Horizon court case underway in Texas is dredging up the unprecedented circumstances of those profits, and a fight is underway to define the regulations governing them.

Yesterday, the United States filed a claim against one of the three drilling companies who profited—to the tune of $11.8 million—from the oil retrieved from the emergency mechanism. Anadarko E&P Company (AE&P), a subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (APC), holds that it was no longer a lease-holder in the drilling operation at the time of the explosion, and therefore is not a responsible party in the tragedy."

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