mercredi 26 octobre 2011

Halloween à la Maison blanche: pas de bonbons...

Le potin insignifiant de la semaine! Puisque Michelle Obama encourage le développement de bonnes habitudes alimentaires, on distribue pas de bonbons pour Halloween! Une mesure que le Président "critique"...

"The healthy kids initiative has officially gone too far. President Obama told Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show" Tuesday that first lady Michelle Obama is that mom on Halloween.

"She's been giving, for the last few years, kids fruit and raisins in a bag," Obama said.

The Obamas annually host a Halloween party at the White House, with costumes, decorations -- and healthy treats. To be fair, last year's haul included a box of M&Ms and a butter cookie, along with some dried fruit.

But the president, a fan of sugary treats, has some concerns about blowback on that policy.

"I said, 'the White House is going to get egged,'" Obama told Leno. "You need to throw some candy in there."

He added, "A couple Reese's Pieces or something.""

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