samedi 26 novembre 2011

Ron Paul: le candidat du 18e siècle!

Je suis jaloux...En quelques lignes Gail Collins du NY Times résume très bien ce que je pense de Ron Paul depuis des années. Intelligent, sympathique et très près des gens, il vit dans une autre époque, dans un autre monde. Comment prétendre qu'on peut diriger les États-Unis de 2011 en retournant aux premières interprétations et limites de la Constitution? Le monde et les États-Unis changent, pas Ron Paul... Oui, il est intéressant et je comprends l'intérêt de plusieurs américains pour ses idées. Mais peut-on en faire un candidat sérieux à la Présidence? Pas en 2012...

"Basically, Paul seems to want to revert to the 18th century, when every bank could set its own monetary policy and every community ran its own schools — presuming, of course, the community wanted to pay for them.

“The founders of this country were well educated, mostly by being home-schooled or taught in schools associated with a church,” he reasons. Those of us who were not born in the gentry could presumably go back to sowing and reaping hay.

Naturally, a man with such a wide range of pet peeves is going to make waves in his own party.

“Chicken-hawks are individuals who dodged the draft when their numbers came up but who later became champions of senseless and undeclared wars when they were influencing foreign policy,” Paul writes in his chapter on conscription. “Former Vice President Cheney is the best example of this disgraceful behavior.”

Really, you can’t totally dislike the guy."

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