lundi 19 décembre 2011

Irak: brumes de guerre?

L'auteur de cet article effectue un partage des responsabilités dans le déclenchement et la conduite de la guerre en Irak. Sans pour autant être tendre envers l'administration Bush.

"George W. Bush’s decision to remain isolated and willfully ignorant of these great leaders’ insights led to a disastrous war that could have been avoided. Instead, the invasion of Iraq was launched on March 19, 2003. And despite what media outlets and Democratic politicians would like you to believe, the war began with greater bipartisan support than the 1991 Gulf War.
Bush may have been eager to march American troops into Baghdad, but he was far from alone. Democrats like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Kerry and John Edwards had been itching to overthrow Saddam Hussein since the time Bush was spending his afternoons in the Texas governor’s mansion using his office computer to play video golf and fine tune his fantasy baseball teams.

In fact, many of the same Democrats who spent the last six years of the Bush era beating up the president over Iraq were the very ones pounding the drum for regime change when Bill Clinton was in the White House.
A cursory review of quotes over the past decade and a half illustrates just how aligned the most powerful Democrats in Washington were with George W. Bush when it came to the threat they thought Saddam Hussein posed to America. The Democratic quotes also show how short our collective memory is as a nation.

Two years before Bush was even elected to the White House, his predecessor told Americans that their purpose should be to “seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq’s WMD program.” President Clinton saw Iraq as a major threat.
Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, called the ability of states like Iraq to use their weapons “the greatest security threat we face.”

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