mercredi 21 mars 2012

Armée américaine: vers la conscription?

Le massacre par le Sergent Robert Bales de 16 personnes en Afghanistan a soulevé bien des questions. Affecté par ses nombreuses affectations, le militaire a craqué selon les premiers rapports. Comment éviter ce genre de situation? Le NY Times présente ici plusieurs pistes de réflexion...

 "The arrest of Staff Sgt. Robert Bales in the slaying of 16 Afghan civilians has raised questions about whether it’s fair and sensible to order soldiers to serve multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. The need for such deployments is due, in part, to America’s reliance on a relatively small standing army and reserve.

 If redeployments were reduced, would the United States be forced to reconsider staying in Afghanistan? Could a draft spread the burden of combat and its reality to more Americans?"

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