mardi 6 mars 2012

Barbara Bush: la campagne 2012 est la pire...

L'ancienne First Lady dit tout haut ce que plusieurs pensent...

 "The former first lady, who recorded a robocall for Mitt Romney praising him (and avoiding knocking President Obama, as originally scripted) made clear her feelings about the 2012 race, via the Dallas Morning News: “I think it’s been the worst campaign I’ve ever seen in my life,” she said Monday at Southern Methodist University during a conference on the influence of the nation’s first ladies. “I hate that people think compromise is a dirty word. It’s not a dirty word,” she said... On a question about the loss of civility in Washington, Laura Bush recalled seeing bitter cartoons about Abraham Lincoln and diplomatically said, “You see that and you realize it’s just a part of American politics.” But her mother-in-law disagreed. “I think the rest of the world is looking at us these days and saying, ‘What are you doing?’”"

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