samedi 10 mars 2012

Équipe Obama: de retour sur les campus!

Obama pourra-t-il mobiliser les jeunes comme il l'a fait en 2008? On y travaille!

 "Few seriously believe Obama’s likely to lose among young voters to the eventual Republican nominee. But as Obama stanches losses among other groups, his campaign operatives have prioritized addressing the drop-off from the days when Obama racked up a 2-to-1 youth voter advantage — and had college students door-knocking and phone-banking to rally others. “For us in 2012, it’s all about engaging and maintaining the energy from young adults,” said Valeisha Butterfield-Jones, the Obama campaign’s national youth vote director. “College students will be an important part of that outreach.” But on campuses, the campaign faces a different kind of problem than with most groups they’re trying to re-energize to 2008 levels: It’s literally different people. Even the students who arrived for orientation around the time Obama gave his convention speech will be gone by November, replaced by new ones who don’t think much about George W. Bush, the Iraq War or any of the other factors that motivated a near-movement in 2008. That’s helping produce stark poll results: 48 percent of voters 18-29 said in a USA Today/Gallup survey last month that they were enthusiastic about voting in the presidential election, down from 76 percent at the same point in 2008."

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