mercredi 28 mars 2012

Le problème musulman d'Obama

Ça ne s'arrêtera donc jamais... Autre exemple navrant de "petite politique".

 "Newt Gingrich has made questions about President Barack Obama and the president’s “attacks” on the Roman Catholic Church a central theme of his campaign. So has Rick Santorum. Both turned up the burner on the rhetoric last week — Gingrich by asking why Obama does things that make voters question his religion, and Santorum by unveiling an ad — that spliced images of the president with Iranian strongman and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Santorum’s team says the visual juxtaposition was unintentional.

Of the four remaining prominent hopefuls who have won states in the GOP primary, Mitt Romney is the one who has steered clear of stoking the embers within the Republican Party that insist Obama is a Muslim. It’s an untruth about the Christian president that never totally disappeared after 2008 and is back for a second airing. Beyond a survey from the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, which provocatively asked GOP primary voters in Mississippi and Alabama whether they think Obama is a Muslim — about half of the Republicans in each state said they do — there is no quantifiable data indicating whether this view is widespread.

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