samedi 3 mars 2012

Michigan: Santorum demande une enquête

Un autre oeil au beurre noir pour le processus républicain?

 "Rick Santorum has asked the Republican National Committee to investigate the actions of the Michigan Republican Party, which on Thursday switched its decision to award a delegate to Mr. Santorum, giving it to Mitt Romney instead.

A complaint submitted on Friday by Mr. Santorum’s lawyer to Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, alleges “backroom deals” on the part of party officials to rework the rules in Mr. Romney’s favor after the party’s primary last Tuesday.

 “To change the rules after the fact is something we would not expect to be condoned within our party, which has a long history of fighting for freedom and integrity at the ballot box,” wrote Cleta Mitchell, the general counsel for Mr. Santorum. “And to condone such behavior by any entity — whether it be a state or local party or a campaign for the highest office in our nation — is a black eye to the leadership of our party.”

 Mr. Santorum argued that he and Mr. Romney should have received 15 delegates each, according to the rules of the Michigan Republican Party. Instead, the state party decided to award 16 to Mr. Romney and 14 to Mr. Santorum.

 “This request is not about the allocation of a single delegate,” Ms. Mitchell wrote. “It is about ensuring a transparent electoral process, avoiding unscrupulous tactics and backroom deals by establishment figures and campaigns who may have not received the result they hoped for at the ballot box.”"

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