lundi 26 mars 2012

Obamacare devant la Cour suprême: c'est parti!

Tout un marathon en perspective cette semaine!

 "The Supreme Court begins hearing arguments Monday morning on President Obama’s health care reform law, a case with sweeping political and policy implications grand enough to make it one of the most important in years.

At stake: the future of this country’s badly ailing health care system and perhaps even the legacy of its first black president. The political ramifications of the ruling will be enormous, with one of the two major political parties poised to see its vision for the future of government suffer a body blow.

 Of the six hours over three days the court has allotted for oral arguments, on Monday the justices will hear 90 minutes of jurisdictional discussion: Is the law far enough along in its implication to give the legal challenge merit, or should that challenge be pushed back several years? The law’s requirement that all Americans carry health insurance could be decreed a tax, and courts cannot rule on the constitutionality of taxes until they have been assessed.

The Obama administration and the Republican-led states that brought the lawsuit agree that it should not be deferred and have asked for a speedy ruling by this summer. The Supreme Court enlisted outside counsel to make the opposing case, and recently allotted an extra half hour for the issue, a sign that it’s taking that viewpoint seriously."

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