dimanche 11 mars 2012

Santorum l'emporte aisément au Kansas

Une victoire attendue, Romney et Gingrich n'ont pas fait campagne au Kansas. Une confirmation de plus de la popularité de Santorum auprès des conservateurs.

 "Mr. Santorum captured 51 percent of the vote, easily eclipsing his rivals Mitt Romney, who had 21 percent; Newt Gingrich with 14 percent; and Ron Paul with 13 percent. Mr. Santorum was projected by The Associated Press to win at least 32 of the 40 delegates in play, raising the stakes for the Alabama and Mississippi primaries on Tuesday, which polls showed to be wide open. “We’ve had a very, very good day,” Mr. Santorum said in Missouri, retracing the ups and downs of a campaign in which he said many had questioned why he persisted. “I kept saying, you just stick with us, you go out and vote for your values and trust what you know,” he told supporters. “Because you don’t live in New York City. You don’t live in Los Angeles. You live like most Americans in between those two cities, and you know the values you believe in.” But the victory comes with an asterisk: Mr. Romney and Mr. Gingrich skipped Kansas to focus on the two Deep South races, which are important for each in different ways. Mr. Romney needs to demonstrate he has appeal in the South, the heart of the Republican Party, and Mr. Gingrich must remain a viable conservative alternative to Mr. Santorum."


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