dimanche 22 avril 2012

Les États-Unis ont-ils besoin de leur "Printemps arabe" (NY Times)

Le système américain fondé sur la séparation des pouvoirs, serait-il maintenant dépassé? On souhaitait éviter la concentration des pouvoirs, mais aurait-on provoqué la paralysie? Démocratie ou "vétocratie"? Thomas Friedman se penche sur la question dans le NY Times de ce matin.

 “There is a crisis of authority, and we’re not prepared to think about it in these terms,” said Fukuyama. “When Americans think about the problem of government, it is always about constraining the government and limiting its scope.” That dates back to our founding political culture. The rule of law, regular democratic rotations in power and human rights protections were all put in place to create obstacles to overbearing, overly centralized government. “But we forget,” Fukuyama added, “that government was also created to act and make decisions.”

 That is being lost at the federal level. A system with as many checks and balances built into it as ours assumes — indeed requires — a certain minimum level of cooperation on major issues between the two parties, despite ideological differences. Unfortunately, since the end of the cold war, which was a hugely powerful force compelling compromise between the parties, several factors are combining to paralyze our whole system.

Réflexion très intéressante à lire au complet:

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