lundi 20 août 2012

Le tandem Romney-Ryan: all-in!

Retour sur les choix des derniers colistiers républicains et les retombées du choix de Paul Ryan pour accompagner Mitt Romney...

 "My first take on the selection was that Mr. Romney had looked at the polls, concluded that he was losing, and deliberately made a high-risk choice that could shake up the campaign — somewhat as Mr. McCain did with Ms. Palin four years ago.

 Reporting since then, however, has suggested that Mr. Romney made the pick despite reluctance from his pollsters and others on his political team. So it looks increasingly as though he made a different sort of gamble — more of a true all-in move.

His bet is that the era of triangulation is over: that Republicans can win elections without having to compromise. Or, perhaps, in an era when so few voters are truly undecided, he thinks a robust turnout from the Republican base could be enough to get him the 270 electoral votes needed to win.

 Will it work? Political theory, as I mentioned, argues against it, but Republicans have been moving to the right for a couple of decades now, and it is not clear that they have paid much of a price for it."

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