jeudi 27 septembre 2012

Jimmy Hoffa: de nouveaux indices?

Le célèbre leader syndical est disparu depuis 1975. Les circonstances entourant cette disparition sont toujours un mystère...

"In America's endless search for Jimmy Hoffa, police will drill Friday beneath a concrete slab at a suburban Detroit residence after a tipster claimed a body was buried there at the same time the former Teamsters boss disappeared in 1975. Police say the tipster's information is "credible," and a radar has detected an anomaly beneath the ground at a home in Roseville, Michigan, said Police Chief James Berlin.

 Authorities don't know who or what may be buried there, but crews will take a core sample and test it for human remains, Berlin said. Nearly 40 years after he vanished, Hoffa remains among America's most famous missing persons. Once one of the most powerful union leaders in America, Hoffa was forced out of the organized labor movement when he was sent to prison in 1967. He was pardoned by President Richard Nixon in 1971 and released on the condition that he not try to get back into the union movement before 1980, but he vanished in 1975. Police and the FBI have been searching for him intermittently ever since. The tipster didn't claim Hoffa's body was buried in Roseville, but he did tell police that the burial happened about the time Hoffa vanished, Berlin said. Police weren't releasing information about the tipster and were being diligent in their investigation, Berlin said."

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