mardi 23 octobre 2012

“The New Economic Patriotism: A Plan For Jobs & Middle Class Security.” La recette d'Obama


Assez pour remporter les "swing states"?

"More than 3 million large, glossy brochures detailing President Obama’s plan for his second term will be distributed in swing states before Election Day, presenting what Obama campaign officials say is a tangible, portable version of the president’s closing argument in the final two weeks of the 2012 campaign.

 For those closely following the election and Obama’s economic and energy plans, there’s not much new in the brochure, entitled “The New Economic Patriotism: A Plan For Jobs & Middle Class Security.” But Team Obama says that’s the point.

 On a conference call with reporters Tuesday, top Obama adviser David Axelrod said the brochure is a version of the plan Obama has been “running on and talking about for months in written form.”

 La suite:

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