lundi 17 décembre 2012

Contrôle des armes aux États-Unis: un allié au Sénat

Un sénateur membre de la NRA qui demande des modifications au contrôle des armes à feu. Un peu d'espoir?

 "“I just came with my family from deer hunting,” Manchin said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “I’ve never had more than three shells in a clip. Sometimes you don’t get more than one shot anyway at a deer. It’s common sense. It’s time to move beyond rhetoric. We need to sit down and have a common-sense discussion and move in a reasonable way.”

 Manchin, who declined to say what specific restrictions he would support, said the NRA should have a role in the debate over legislative changes to gun law. “I want to call all our friends in the NRA, sit down and have this discussion,” he said. “Bring them into it. They have to be at the table. We all have to.” But Manchin did hint at what restrictions he would allow.

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