jeudi 21 février 2013

John McCain: quel héritage?

 L'ancien candidat à la Présidence américaine et sénateur John McCain pourrait mettre un terme à sa carrière à la fin du présent mandat en 2016. Quelle image gardera-t-on de ce personnage influent? Réformiste, esprit indépendant ou mauvais perdant?

 "The 76-year-old will be 80 when he is again up for reelection in Arizona in 2016. “I have seen a number of occasions around here where people have stayed too long,” McCain said during a recent interview in his Russell Senate Building office. “I have seen people who were real giants in this institution deteriorate, and unfortunately, we remember them at the end.”

 Endings matter in politics. If McCain is approaching the exit, this term could determine how he will be remembered. (“In the way people think of him,” former GOP Arizona senator Jon Kyl said, “in the near term, it matters a great deal.”)"

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