vendredi 22 février 2013

Sequester: quelles sont les retombées?

 On parle de ce "mur fiscal" depuis longtemps et on a reporté le problème à quelques reprises. Si l'exécutif et le législatif ne parviennent pas à s'entendre bientôt, une vaste série de coupures frappera bientôt dans tous les services gouvernementaux. Est-inquiétant? Une partie de la réponse ici:

 "If, as many suspect, no deal is reached to avoid it and President Obama orders the sequester next week, the reliability of government services and the broader economic outlook will grow very uncertain. Unlike the targeted federal spending cuts we’ve seen in recent years, the sequester isn’t designed to reshape federal priorities in democratic ways. Instead, when the sequester order goes out, it will effectively start a countdown clock, which ends at the close of the fiscal year on Sept. 30.

Between March 1 and then, scores of federal agencies will be required to cut a total of $85 billion in total spending by reducing their remaining budgets by up to 13 percent, according to OMB Federal Controller Danny Werfel. Not only that, but agency heads will have their hands tied when it comes to choosing where to cut.

 “What happens is, OMB, we take this amount, this $85 billion that we have to cut and apply it to every account in government,” Werfel told reporters earlier this month at a White House briefing for reporters. “Every account has to be cut by a certain percentage. It’s not like the agencies can move money amongst accounts. But it’s even worse than that; even at the sub-account, there’s something called Program Project and Activity which exists within each account. And the way the sequester law is written is that even underneath the account — even at the Program Project and Activity — they all need to be cut at that same percentage.”

 In other words, bloated programs must be cut as much as lean ones; crucial functions as much as ancillary ones.

 L'article au complet:

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