mercredi 20 mars 2013

Bibi a besoin d'Obama

 La relation entre les États-Unis et Israël se réchauffe un peu depuis deux mois. Deux élections ont changé la donne.

 "After four of the frostiest years in over six decades of U.S.-Israel relations, the two leaders are taking pains to send friendlier signals — in part because Obama will be around for another four years, in part because centrist and left-leaning parties in Israel unexpectedly elbowed their way into Netanyahu’s hawkish coalition during elections in January.

 “For this, you need, you see, a second term as president and a third term as prime minister. That really fixes things,” Netanyahu said in response to a question about Obama’s standing in Israel.

 The two men seemed to go out of their way to appear chummy Wednesday at a press conference, trading jokes about their children’s good looks, and working hard to seem aligned no matter the question or the issue that came up.

 Repeatedly, Netanyahu tried to reassure a skittish Israeli public that the president is more of an ally than many of them think, batting away the skepticism at one point with a simple, “People should get to know President Obama the way I’ve gotten to know him.”

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