mercredi 20 mars 2013

Eisenhower Memorial : des millions, des critiques et toujours pas de monument...

Le monument devait être terminé en 2012, mais les critiques fusent... Refaire toute la planification ou poursuivre selon les plans d'origine?

 "When Mr. Gehry’s design was selected in 2010, groundbreaking was planned for August 2012. But the schedule has been repeatedly delayed while the Eisenhower Memorial Commission, which is overseeing the project, has confronted the design’s detractors. Mr. Gehry’s original concept called for a four-acre site partly enclosed by transparent woven metal tapestries displaying images of the Kansas plains, where Eisenhower grew up. The most controversial element was a statue of the young Eisenhower sitting on a low stone wall, a characterization inspired by a photograph of him at that age and by a homecoming speech he made after the war in which he recalled his days as a “barefoot boy.”

 Members of the Eisenhower family and others objected to the memorial as an inadequate representation of the former president’s significant achievements.

 In response, Mr. Gehry changed the design, replacing the child Eisenhower with a 20-year-old West Point cadet Eisenhower, and changing depictions of two famous photographs into statues instead of bas-reliefs. But family members still expressed concerns that the design was costly, undignified and not sufficiently durable.%% The hearing of the Public Lands and Environmental Regulation subcommittee on Tuesday addressed Mr. Bishop’s bill, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Completion Act, which supports the family’s desire to start over."

 L'article au complet:

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