mercredi 17 avril 2013

‘You’ve Got A Hell Of A City’: Jon Stewart s'exprimant sur Boston

 Les message de soutien proviennent de partout et Jon Stewart (qui travaille à New York) ajoute son message à des milliers d'autres.

 "“I’m just going to say this to Boston: Thank you,” Stewart said. “Thank you for once again, in the face of gross inhumanity, inspiring and solidifying my believe in humanity and the people of this country. So thank you for everything that you’ve done. An amazing — it’s quite a little city you’ve got going.”

 Stewart noted that, of course, New York and Boston share a healthy rivalry. But a tragic situation like this proves it’s clearly a sibling rivalry, he said. “And that we are your brothers and sisters in this type of event,” Stewart added. “As a city that knows the feeling of confusion, anger and grief and chaos that comes with these events, I can tell you from personal experience, you’ve got a hell of a city going there. And you’ve done an incredible job in the face of all this.”

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