lundi 3 juin 2013

"The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies": un livre sur la campagne 2012 d'Obama

 Second bouquin de Jonathan Alter sur le Président Obama. Selon l'analyse du NY Times, le livre est plus intéressant pour ce qu'il apporte comme éclairage pour les problèmes actuels que pour les informations sur la campagne elle-même.

 "This book also provides a close analysis of what Mr. Alter sees as the administration’s missteps, focused around the author’s conviction that the president’s “detached and self-contained nature had hampered his presidency.” Mr. Alter contends that what he calls Mr. Obama’s lack of “the schmooze gene” (“standard equipment for people in politics”) and his reticence in cultivating relationships with members of Congress and other politicians left him with “one less way to leverage his authority.”

 Many of Mr. Alter’s observations echo complaints frequently heard within the Beltway. He argues that the Obama White House has been too insular, that it has often done a poor job of selling its agenda (say, on health care) and that the president has frequently been slow to go on offense: he “developed a habit of letting the dialogue deteriorate until he rode to the rescue like a one-man cavalry, solving all the problems with a big speech, large chunks of which he wrote himself at the last minute.”

 One of Mr. Obama’s first big financial supporters said he thought the president, in Mr. Alter’s words, “had been humbled by the opposition’s intransigence”: “he had never failed to bring anyone around before, and it changed him.”

 L'article au complet:

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