lundi 23 septembre 2013

Obamacare: l'évolution d'Obama

L'intérêt du candidat Obama pour des soins de santé universels relevait autant, sinon plus, de la stratégie politique que d'une profonde conviction. Le Président Obama en a fait une "affaire personnelle".

 "By the time Obamacare was signed into law in March 2010, Obama had committed fully to the fight, surprising even those closest to him by the intensity of his personal commitment, his desire to achieve something historic and — last but not least — his fear of being publicly humiliated by a defeat.

 The backlash has been more intense and sustained than the West Wing and congressional Democrats ever expected. An inconsistent and weak counterattack and the White House’s reluctance to spend more capital on the issue left Obama’s signature legislative achievement orphaned in ways that could permanently weaken the law.

 But on that morning of March 23, 2010, Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, invoking the image of his late mother in an emotional ceremony that underscored how far he had come from his offhanded leap into the fight three years earlier.

 The night the bill passed is the “most satisfied I’ve seen him,” said Obama’s senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer, the highest-ranking member of Obama’s 2008 crew still working in the West Wing. “It was really hard, but it was really important — a historic thing that many presidents tried and many presidents failed. He was incredibly emotionally invested, and he remains to this day.”

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