vendredi 18 octobre 2013

Ted Cruz et le Tea party profitent d'un système dysfonctionnel (CNN)

Que diraient les penseurs de la Constitution? À l'évidence, la dérive actuelle n'était pas prévue au départ. Bien sûr, la Constitution visait la recherche de compromis et le système a été penser pour "bloquer" lorsqu'on atteint pas de solution satisfaisante. Mais que le pays devienne un otage d'un groupuscule de radicaux? Hummm... L'article n'est pas parfait, mais il soulève un point majeur; le système fonctionne très mal.

 "Cruz thinks he can speak directly to the voters and rise without the help of the political infrastructure of his party. Such an unconventional strategy may be his only hope, because there are few left in the GOP who will offer him any respect. The public has watched in abject horror as one office holder has pressed history's greatest democracy into a sausage grinder. And what has come out the other end is not immediately recognizable.

 Our deliberative government was not designed to be hijacked by a few dissidents. But fanatics have found a way to pry open the cockpit door and demand course corrections that put everyone on board at risk. Because of this, we may have no choice but to rethink the very mechanics of how we create law and run the nation.

 Cruz has at least done us the benefit of showing us that our system functions best as a platform for campaigning and getting re-elected and not for conducting the people's business; not even the disgraced Richard Nixon created such jeopardy with his betrayal. But it's our fault. We cast the ballots and gave office to Cruz and his compatriots. The politically craven have taken up arms to stop the peoples' business and the attention is intoxicating. They have no reason to put down their weapons. They like this game because now it only takes one person to storm the battlements that protect American democracy."

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