mercredi 20 novembre 2013

Michelle Obama: une First lady qui marque l'histoire

Dans le cadre d'une iniative baptisée "Women rule", le site Politico invite les femmes à présenter leur modèles féminin. L'écrivaine Terry Mcmillan explique ici son admiration pour Michelle Obama. On aborde moins cette question dans un deuxième mandat qui débute difficilement pour l'administration Obama, mais le Président et son épouse représentent toujours de beaux exemples pour la communauté noire.

 Un extrait:

 Sometimes, when I see Michelle Obama on television I find myself listening to her speeches as if I were still a little girl in Michigan. It’s the ’50s and then the ’60s. Back then it never crossed my mind that one day we could ever have a black man as president of the United States. Which of course meant the thought of having a black first lady never showed up in my fantasies either. Back then, we were just getting used to not referring to ourselves as colored and Negroes and then liked the idea of being black and finally, African-Americans.

 As a black woman, I love her image. What it says to little black girls all over this country. That you can grow up and go to Harvard. That you don’t have to be 6 feet tall to act like you are. That you can have dreams that can be realized. That you can soar. That you can give back just as much as you receive. That you will be criticized by those who don’t respect you but it is probably because they envy you. Own it. Ignore them. Know you are a force to be reckoned with and leave your mark on the world, no matter how small.

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