mardi 26 novembre 2013

Sandy Hook: un rapport qui donne froid dans le dos.

Près d'un an après la tragédie de Newtown (école Sandy Hook), le procureur de l'état Stephen J. Sedensky III divulguait le contenu d'un rapport de 48 pages. La présentation du tueur et les détails de la tuerie ne permettent toujours pas de comprendre pourquoi Adam Lanza a tué sa mère avant de se concentrer sur l'école primaire. On constate cependant à quel point le jeune était perturbé dans les mois qui ont précédé le triste événement.

 " Adam Lanza spent the final months of his life mostly alone in his bedroom. His windows were covered with black trash bags. He was preoccupied with violent video games and created a spreadsheet of some of the worst massacres in American history.

Mr. Lanza refused to speak even to his mother, communicating with her only by email, even though their bedrooms shared the same floor of their house on Yogananda Street.

 He would not eat unless his food was arranged in a particular way on his plate. He hated birthdays and holidays, and forbade his mother from putting up a Christmas tree.

 He also made her get rid of a cat he did not like.

 No one else was allowed into his room, including his mother, who nevertheless did her son’s laundry daily because he changed his clothes often.

 Among their few outings together were trips to the shooting range. She planned to buy him a gun for Christmas last year.

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