lundi 17 février 2014

John Kerry et le dossier syrien: il pointe du doigt la Russie et l'Iran

Le secrétaire d'État américain John Kerry n'est assurément pas content de l'évolution du dossier syrien. S'il condamne les récentes actions du régime Hassad, il souligne également le rôle de l,Iran et de la Russie.

 "In a statement released on Sunday night in Jakarta, Kerry also condemned the Assad government for continuing its “barbaric assault” on the civilian population of Syria through barrel bombs and starvation, and for adding some of the opposition delegates at Geneva to a terrorist list and seizing their assets. “This is reprehensible,” he said.

Although Russia publicly supports the idea of a transitional government, Kerry said he regretted that increased support for Assad from Iran, Hezbollah and Russia had encouraged the Syrian president in his intransigence.

 "Russia needs to be a part of the solution, not contributing so many more weapons and so much more aid that they are really enabling Assad to double down,” he said.

 In a joint news conference, Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said he feared the world was becoming “a little bit numb” to the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria. “We must not allow that to happen,” he said.

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