jeudi 20 février 2014

Obama et l'Ukraine: "Obama est le Président le plus naïf de l'histoire" (John McCain)

Le Sénateur républicain John McCain a sévèrement critiqué la position du Président au sujet des événements en Ukraine.

 "“The naiveté of Barack Obama and [Secretary of State] John Kerry is stunning,” the Republican senator said.

He added that Russian President Vladimir Putin has “played us so incredibly.” Following a statement he released Wednesday with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) calling for targeted sanctions after the recent violence in Ukraine, McCain warned it could escalate.

“This thing could easily spiral out of control into a major international crisis. The first thing we need to do is impose sanctions on those people who are in leadership positions,” McCain said.

 Specifically attacking Putin — “he’s amoral, he’s cold, he’s distant, he’s tough” — McCain said to watch what happens after the Winter Olympics in Sochi end.

 “Watch Putin after the Olympics are over. He may try — and I emphasize may — try to have some partition of … Ukraine,” McCain said. “He is committed to keeping Ukraine as part of Russia.”

 “Putin believes Ukraine is an integral part of Russia. He will not go quietly into the night about when Ukraine moves into the European orbit, so to say,” the senator said.

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