lundi 31 mars 2014

Le musée du 11 septembre 2001 ouvrira ses portes le 21 mai

Comme on le souligne au début de l'article, la création de ce musée a soulevé une foule de controverses dont la dernière pourrait bien être les cérémonies d'ouverture.

 "Organizers must consider the various expectations and sensitivities of tens of thousands of survivors, victims’ families, police officers, firefighters, rescuers, recovery workers, neighborhood residents and business owners, and an array of former and current political leaders, who, with their special connections to Sept. 11, are all called stakeholders. Who is entitled to visit early? Who deserves to attend the ceremonies? Who gets to speak at the dedication?

Unlike the process of planning the museum, which incorporated years of public outreach, discussion and review, the museum’s rollout was organized by a small group of museum staff members who quietly worked to satisfy competing demands while staying true to the museum’s mission.

 And all the arrangements had to be made for a spot that combines the sanctity of a burial ground, the security concerns of a busy airport and the clutter of a construction zone. The unveiling will begin on May 15 — a week before the museum opens to the public — with a dedication, at bedrock, seven stories below ground, in front of an exposed slab of the World Trade Center’s original slurry wall, a hallmark of the underground museum.

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