mercredi 26 mars 2014

Oso, dans une mer de boue: "laissez-moi et trouvez ma femme" (NY Times)

Un article dans lequel se mélange des récits déchirants comme celui de cet homme séparé de sa femme par le glissement de terrai et les analyses sur le caractère prévisible, ou non, de la catastrophe.

 "The McPhersons were swept apart, her in one direction, him in another. When things stopped moving — the house ripped into pieces and shoved 200 feet from its foundation — Mr. McPherson found himself trapped. He could breathe but not reach the surface of the enveloping muck, his leg pinned by a beam of the house he had just been sitting in.

 He reached around and found a stick where he lay, perhaps part of his recliner, and began fighting for his life, digging at the mud.

“He was able to poke up through the rubble,” said his sister-in-law, Irene Kuntz. Friends spotted him struggling and dug him out. As they helped him out, Mr. McPherson begged his rescuers to leave him and find his wife, please find his wife. But she died.

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