mardi 29 avril 2014

Bourreau afghan installé près de Los Angeles

L'homme à la droite du président Karzaï (lunettes fumées) sur la photo est un ancien chef du renseignement, un ancien espion et un un homme particulièrement brutal lors des procédures d'interrogation. Il vit maintenant aux États-Unis près de Los Angeles. La CIA affirme ne pas avoir contribué à son transfert et les départements d'État et de la Sécurité nationale refusent de commenter.

 “He was the torturer in chief,” said a senior Western diplomat, who recalled meeting with a prisoner at an NDS facility in Kabul to investigate how he had been treated when Gulalai entered unannounced. The detainee became agitated and bowed his head in submission. “He was terrified, which made sense,” the diplomat said. Gulalai was “a big wheel in a machine that ground up a lot of people.”

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