jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Hollywood pourrait recourir aux drones avec la bénédiction de la FAA

La Federal Aviation Administration devrait annoncer aujourd'hui qu'elle autorise l'industrie cinématographique américaine à utiliser des drones pour les tournages. Une décision majeure si on considère que l'organisme s'opposait jusqu'à maintenant à l'utilisation des drones à des fins commerciales.

 "The cinematic firms have applied for permission to fly the drones not just in Hollywood but anywhere in the country as long as they meet certain safety conditions. Flights would “occur over private or controlled-access property,” and drones would stay at least 100 feet away from people not part of the production crews, according to the applications.

 Paperwork filed with the FAA also states that the camera- bearing drones would weigh less than 55 pounds. They would fly no faster than 57 mph and no higher than 400 feet to ensure that they do not interfere with other aircraft."

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