mardi 30 septembre 2014

Julia Pierson (directrice des Services Secrets) afffronte le Congrès

Vous imaginez un peu la pression sur les épaules de la directrice des Services Secrets à la Maison Blanche alors qu'elle doit affronter des questions des membres d'un comité de la Chambre des représentants au sujet des dernières intrusions dans la demeure présidentielle? Plutôt inconfortable...

 "Julia Pierson promised a full review of all tactics, including use of force, in the wake of the Sept. 19 incident — which she said was the sixth breach of the White House fence in the past year.

 “It won’t happen again,” she pledged.

But members of a House oversight committee slammed back with repeated questions over whether the Secret Service was keeping pace with an array of perceived threats such as Islamist militants.

“Americans know the next attempt to take the White House . . . could well be a planned attack by a terrorist organization,’’ said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

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