lundi 22 septembre 2014

Maison Blanche et sécurité: verrouiller les portes?

Après les tentatives d'intrusion de la semaine dernière, les services secrets envisagent de modifier les dispositifs et de repousser les touristes un peu plus loin. Est-ce la bonne solution? Cet article du Washington Post aborde le sujet ce matin.

 "But how far should the Secret Service go to fortify the nation’s most famous residence? How threatened is the first family? And if the Secret Service allowed the latest guy to get so close, shouldn’t energy be focused on improving that agency’s performance rather than further restricting public access? How about locking the front door?

That was the discussion Sunday among some members of Congress — with plenty more to come, in light of the ease with which a man identified as Omar J. Gonzalez, a veteran described by his family as depressed, breached security. Though part of Gonzalez’s foot had reportedly been amputated after an encounter in Iraq with an improvised explosive device, he made his way across the White House lawn and through an unlocked door armed with a knife.

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