mardi 28 octobre 2014

Woodword et Bernstein se souviennent de Ben Bradlee

Le trio composé des journalistes Woodward et Bernstein et de l'éditeur Ben Bradlee est à jamais lié dans l'histoire en raison de la couverture du scandale du Watergate. Les deux journalistes présentent ici leur vision de l'ancien patron décédé la semaine dernière. Bradlee était un patron exigeant, mais inspirant.

 "In a sense, nothing satisfied him fully. He kept raising the bar on everyone — himself included. From the day he took over as editor of the paper in 1965, he would prowl the fifth-floor newsroom looking for the action, or who had the good story or the latest gossip. Bradlee’s physical command and elan — a kind of leadership in itself — was famous and much imitated (horrendously by too many acolytes who started wearing Turnbull & Asser shirts, to the point where the newsroom sometimes suggested a Savile Row showroom). As he stopped to visit with reporters, chest outstretched, a look of curiosity or delight crossing his face, work often ceased, and from perhaps a hundred or more desks, the eyes of his staff would be trained on him, trying to read the signals. If two or three of his reporters were in a knot talking, he approached them. Maybe they had something, and he wanted to hear.

Be aggressive, he insisted. “I am very sympathetic with reporters who push,” he told us in a 1973 tape-recorded interview for the book we were writing about Watergate — which would eventually become “All the President’s Men.” “And it makes me feel terribly comfortable and particularly comfortable about being an editor who pushes back.”

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