jeudi 20 novembre 2014

Bill Cosby: sa carrière s'écroule

Une carrière de plusieurs décennies qui bat de l'aile après la multiplication des histoires de viols impliquant Bill Cosby. Certaines de ces histoires sont anciennes, mais des révélations récentes semblent donne plus de poids aux accusations. Cosby voit disparaître des commanditaires et de nombreux projets sont suspendus ou tout simplement annulés. Il faut cependant noter que jusqu'à maintenant Cosby n'est coupable de rien...

 "Cosby’s growing isolation from an industry that once embraced and profited from him comes amid a series of testimonials from women who said he drugged them and sexually abused them over three and a half decades — an image diametrically opposed to the affable father and humorous grandpa figures that Cosby cultivated.

The allegations, which date from 1969 until 2005, have been remarkably consistent in their details. In each alleged instance, Cosby supposedly lured a young, ambitious woman seeking career counseling, plied her with an unknown substance that disabled her, and then abused her when she was unconscious or unable to resist.

Cosby has rarely spoken in public about the allegations. That includes earlier this month when he simply shook his head when asked repeatedly about them in an interview with NPR. His representatives have denied them repeatedly, and he has never been charged with a crime."

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