dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Ferguson: pourquoi est-ce si long?

On s'attendait à une décision vendredi après-midi.

 "Unlike in most grand jury presentations, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch has said he was going to present every piece of evidence and witness he has, much more information than is typically given.

"Absolutely nothing will be left out, so the grand jury is making their decision based upon absolutely everything, and we'll go from there," he told a St. Louis radio station in August.

It is an unusual approach.

 "Most times prosecutors decide, 'Look, I want to get an indictment. I'm going to present the minimum amount of testimony I need to get an indictment,' " CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin has said.

McCulloch told CNN's Ana Cabrera that it had taken longer than expected to get some of the witnesses in front of the grand jury.


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