mercredi 10 décembre 2014

Entretien avec un bourreau: "on ne peut me pardonner pour Abou Ghraib"

Les révélations d'un ancien interrogateur qui avoue avoir torturé lors des interrogatoires. Il enseigne maintenant en création littéraire.

 "I SPENT this semester teaching creative writing at Lehigh University. I’ve been a soldier, a police officer and an interrogator. So hearing students call me “Professor” and assigning homework was a significant change of pace.

But the course’s title, Writing War, kept me from straying too far from the memories that have haunted me over the last decade. I am grateful to Lehigh for the opportunity to teach the course. The school’s willingness to put a veteran in the classroom is the very thing this country needs to be doing in order to collectively process what the last 13 years of war have wrought. But teaching a class about war reminded me daily that I am no college professor.

I was an interrogator at Abu Ghraib. I tortured.

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