vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Barack Obama vs Bibi (Benyamin Netanyahou)

Une relation de six ans marquée par des moments de tensions et d'insultes. Réflexions sur la relation entre deux partenaires qui peuvent difficilement s'ignorer.

 "The leaders tried to get the relationship off on the right foot. During a 2008 meeting in Jerusalem, Netanyahu reportedly pulled the visiting candidate aside and reassured him that, “You and I have a lot in common.”

But Obama was known to prefer Netanyahu’s rival in Israeli’s February 2009 election, Tzipi Livni, which took place just weeks after Obama was sworn in. Livni, leader of the center-left Kadima Party who welcomed efforts to reach a two-state solution with the Palestinians, would have been a like-minded partner for Obama.

Yet it was Netanyahu who unexpectedly emerged as prime minister, and the two leaders— and their senior aides and allies — locked into a instantly distrustful relationship. Things only got testier when Obama began pressuring Israel to halt its construction of settlements as a concession in peace talks with Palestinians.

Over the past six years, the bad chemistry has persisted, producing a long list of diplomatic insults, snubs and embarrassments.

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