lundi 16 mars 2015

"The Jinx": Robert Durst avoue ses meurtres

Une série télévisée qui mènerait à l'arrestation d'un criminel? Il semble que ce soit le cas de la série "The Jinx" diffusée sur HBO. Robert Durst a avoué ses rimes sans le savoir... Il a confessé trois meurtres en oubliant de retirer ou de fermer son micro pour se rendre aux toilettes!

 "From the moment the HBO series “The Jinx” made its debut, it has been called “the new ‘Serial.’” Both the series and the podcast are about unsolved murders. Both let viewers into the process of uncovering what happened. Both tell stories so compelling, it’s easy to sometimes forget the characters are real.

But on Saturday, HBO achieved something “Serial” never could. The subject of its six-episode documentary “The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst” has been arrested.

Robert Durst, a New York real-estate heir, is known for his alleged connection to three deaths: his wife, who went missing in 1982; his neighbor, who was dismembered in 2001; and a close friend, who was shot in the head in 2000. Until Saturday, the 71-year-old has walked free.

On March 8, HBO aired the fifth and penultimate episode of “The Jinx,” which included a previously uncovered piece of evidence. On the eve of the finale, Durst was arrested in New Orleans in connection to the murder of his friend, Susan Berman, a little more than 14 years ago. Sunday night, the final episode aired. In its closing minutes, Durst says, “What the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course.”

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