vendredi 15 mai 2015

Tsarnaev condamné à mort (Boston Globe)

Je ne saurais expliquer pourquoi, mais je croyais qu'on opterait pour la prison à vie. Son avocate avait déjà réussi l'exploit dans des procès controversés, plusieurs témoins le présentaient comme un jeune homme plutôt sympathique mais grandement influencé par son frère plus âgé Tamerlan. Dernièrement un sondage auprès des habitants du Massachusetts indiquaient que 80% d'entre eux préféraient la prison à vie.  L'article du Boston Globe présente également des réactions des victimes.

 "The response to the death sentence was immediate from some of the hundreds of people who were injured.

One of those who turned to social media to share their views was Sydney Corcoran, who was seriously injured along with her mother, Celeste, who lost both legs in the blast.

“My mother and I think that NOW he will go away and we will be able to move on. Justice,’’ Sydney Corcoran wrote on the Twitter account. “In his own words, ‘an eye for an eye.’ “

Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh said in a statement that the “verdict provides a small amount of closure to the survivors, families, and all impacted by the violent and tragic events surrounding the 2013 Boston Marathon.’’

“We will forever remember and honor those who lost their lives and were affected by those senseless acts of violence on our City,’’ Walsh said. “Today, more than ever, we know that Boston is a City of hope, strength and resilience, that can overcome any challenge.”"

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