jeudi 17 septembre 2015

Carly Fiorina tire son épingle du jeu


 Tout comme Vanessa Williams dans cet article du Washington Post, je considère que Fiorina a offert une solide performance hier. Moins solide pour défendre son bilan à la tête de Hewlett-Packard, elle a tout de même été en mesure de coincer Donald Trump et de se démarquer.

 "The moment, reminiscent of the 2007 Democratic debate exchange in which Barack Obama told Hillary Rodham Clinton that she was “likable enough,” marked one of the few times during the campaign that Trump has appeared visibly uneasy. And it underscored the extent to which the dynamic of the Republican contest has been transformed by the rise of Fiorina, the former Silicon Valley executive whose rise in the polls since the first GOP debate last month allowed her to ascend from the bottom-tier undercard debate to the main stage.

Fiorina stood out, not just as the lone woman amid 10 men but also as a forceful orator willing to tangle with any of them — and even land punches against the seemingly invincible Trump.%% Fiorina took advantage of the bigger stage, aggressively answering questions about foreign policy and delivering a passionate denunciation of the Republican-controlled Congress for not being more forceful in seeking to defund Planned Parenthood.

She also offered a strong explanation for one of the defining characteristics of the race so far: why non-politicians, including her, Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, were drawing majority support from Republican voters."

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