lundi 28 septembre 2015

Jeb Bush semoncé par ses donateurs

Jeb Bush a la campagne la plus riche chez les candidats républicains, mais comme il stagne dans les sondages il fallait s'attendre à que de généreux donateurs haussent le ton éventuellement. L'ancien gouverneur de la Floride doit s'imposer.

 "The warnings from top donors come as Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s exit from the race re­focused the battle within the GOP’s establishment wing as one between Bush and his former protege, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). Right now, the momentum appears to be behind Rubio, who has jumped ahead of Bush in most polls. At least a third of the bundlers who signed up to raise money for Walker have switched their allegiance to Rubio, while a smaller number have gone with Bush, according to people familiar with the discussions."

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