lundi 21 septembre 2015

Président musulman aux États-Unis? Non selon Ben Carson

Ben Carson a soulevé une controverse en fin de semaine lorsqu'il a affirmé qu'à ses yeux ce ne serait pas une bonne idée d'élire un musulman à la tête des États-Unis. Il a même laissé entendre que cette religion ne serait pas conforme aux valeurs de la constitution américaine. Je rappelle que le premier amendement protège la liberté de culte aux États-Unis.

 "In an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" that aired Sunday, Carson told Chuck Todd that Islam is not consistent with the Constitution and that while he would consider voting for a Muslim member of Congress, the highest office in the land is off-limits to people practicing a faith professed by approximately 3 million Americans.

 "He was thinking like someone who loves America first, who wants to protect America. He understands that there are tenets of Islam that hates Jews, that kills homosexuals, will kill Muslims, do not advocate belief and value systems that made America into the country that it is today," business manager and conservative radio host Armstrong Williams told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day."

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