jeudi 22 octobre 2015

Ridin with Biden? Joe Biden abandonne son rêve de présenter sa candidature

Je le mentionnais hier dans une autre entrée, l'ancien sénateur et actuel vice-président Joe Biden a finalement tranché et il ne sera pas candidat à l'investiture de son parti.

 "Mr. Biden’s advisers concluded he could raise the money but not without sacrificing necessary days on the ground in the early states campaigning. After subtracting the time needed for an estimated 40 fund-raisers, the holiday period when little campaigning is done and time for debate preparations, that would leave Mr. Biden with perhaps 40 to 45 days to devote to retail stumping before the Iowa caucuses in February.

The dynamics of the Democratic race had changed in just days. Mrs. Clinton’s performance in the debate last week had settled restless Democratic donors, and even party elders like Representative James E. Clyburn from the crucial state of South Carolina, whom Mr. Biden deeply respects, said publicly he should not run."

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